The sense of smell is probably the most basic sense we experience, but it is also the one that people are least aware of. 
This workshop is to create a general awareness of the “World of Fragrances” and the “Sense of Smell”.
In the series “Nose Games” participants can experiment with fragrances and develop their “Nose”. 

The Principle 

The Ayurveda Fragrance Terminology methodology is unique worldwide.  It allows one to combine millennia-old Ayurvedic principles with the latest findings of olfactory research.

This distinguishes our offer from all other products in the fragrance realm. 

The principle of Ayurveda Fragrance Terminology is not just laboratory investigation. It follows a complete view,  in which man and nature, spirit and matter are intimately intertwined. 

This terminology is not like Aromatherapy or other natural ? sciences. It is specifically a “Science of Nature”. It can be understood as a holistic methodology combining Alchemy with Self-knowledge. 

From the Ayurvedic theory of matter, the concept of “Ushma” – Heat Energy – in the human body was adopted. This refers primarily to emotions and individual perception according to the proportional existence of the elements (earth, water, fire, air) in a human body. 

Ayurveda Fragrance Terminology also considers the various possibilities when these elements react with one another in the human Body.

The Goal

During this workshop series you will experience your sense of smell and the individual dimensions of your personality.

“Nose Games” – Workshop Series with Ayurveda Fragrance Terminology.

You can register for individual or group workshops on any topic.

In a three-hour Workshop, a maximum of 2 topics from the above-mentioned areas are worked on, which will be selected in advance by the group participants. 

In a one-on-one workshop, you alone will select the topics or concerns that interest you the most.

Cost: Individual workshop € 298,- (plus 20% VAT)  (Appointments are possible by appointment) Group Workshop € 170,- (plus 20% VAT) per Participant

Of course, the workshops can also be booked as an experience event for closed groups.

Vouchers for “Nose games” are also available at yogesh!

Workshop Topics

Element Earth: For the fragrance is you…
Element water: experience your creative longings…
Element Fire: Self-love
Element Air: Communication, intense silence…
Elements Water and Fire: Be happy, calm and satisfied…
Elements Air and Water: memories – experiences
Elements air and fire: I – my ego
Elements Ether: The Hope Lies in the Bud
All Elements: The alchemy between two truths
All Elements: The nose and sexuality